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world power 世界強國。

world series

Rather , we do it because china is a major world power with whom we share important interests , with whom we have strong disagreements , and which has a powerful military that has significant influence on the policies that china follows . we do it , ultimately , because we believe when it comes to strategic intentions , engagement is almost always better than ignorance 讓我們開始在我們工作的地點、課室、社團、街坊鄰居、廟堂等處尋找愿意誠懇與我們談論我所提的問題的人這種對話,我們要公開的說,公開的聽,且藉它來了解別人如何看待我們所處的世界。

Based on the current helicopter operation at home and abroad on transmission line and its technical development trend , the paper has carried on research and demonstration on feasibility to apply helicopter in cruising inspection of yang - huai 500kv transmission line from various aspects as its significance , necessity , selection of operating management mode and technical working plan as well as its rationalization economically etc . applying helicopter to operate on power transmission has been tendency of the world power industry . on using helicopter to cruise , inspect and maintain the yang - huai 500kv transmission line , the first objective is to insist on flying safety . two steps should be taken seperately for short term and long term objective . first , to rent helicopters and then , to buy them 采用直升機進行電力作業已經成為世界電力工業的潮流,應用直升機巡視和維護500千伏陽淮線,應堅持把安全飛行作為首要目標,宜分近期和遠期兩個目標分階段實施,先租機,再購機;直升機的選型,主要從安全性和經濟性兩方面考慮,在起步階段租賃bo - 105c直升機;要根據作業項目和方法選擇機載儀器設備;用直升機進行輸電線路巡檢,能極大地提高勞動生產率,具有明顯的經濟效益,并將提高我國直升機運用水平,促進我國通用航空事業的發展,從而帶動相關行業的發展。

However , even the prescient tocqueville , who predicted 150 years ago that the united states and russia would emerge as two great contending world powers , could not have foreseen that the nation that potentially could decide the world balance of power in the last decades of the twentieth century , and that could become the most powerful nation on earth during the twenty - first century , would be china 然而,即使是一百五十年前曾預言過美國和俄國將成為互相爭奪的兩個世界大國的托克維爾,也未能預見到在二十世紀最后幾十年具有決定世界均勢潛力并能成為二十一世紀地球上最強大的國家將是中國。

China and united states share many things in common . firstly , both are major world powers . secondly , the two nations offer mutually beneficial factors for development ? china with its vast potential market and labor force , and the u . s . with its advanced technology and management expertise 中國和美國有許多共同之處。首先,兩個都是世界主要強國。第二,兩個國家相互提供發展的有利因素? ?中國擁有巨大的潛在市場和勞動力,美國擁有先進的技術和專業的管理知識。

Vienna - iran began to enrich a second batch of uranium in its research plant this week on the same day that world powers offered it an incentive package conditioned on its suspension of nuclear activities , the international atomic energy agency said in a report released thursday 維也納訊?國際原子能機構在周四公布的一份報告中稱,就在本周各世界強國以伊朗中止其核活動為條件向其提供一攬子獎勵的當天,伊朗在其核研究工廠開始了第二輪鈾濃縮。

These confusions admittedly make programming more difficult , and there is always a significant trade - off between the simplicity of simply throwing them out , and the real - world power that their support provides 這種概念上的不清楚無疑使得編程更為困難,而在干脆放棄使用它們,和對它們的支持所實際提供的功能之間,總是需要進行許多權衡。

Iranian news reports quote president mahmoud ahmadinejad as saying his country will continue its nuclear program , despite what he called threats and pressure from major world powers 伊朗新聞報道引用了總統馬哈默德?阿默德賈內德的話,即,盡管面臨他所謂的來自“世界主要力量的威脅和壓力” ,他的國家仍將繼續進行核研究項目。

Iranian news reports quote president mahmoud ahmadinejad as saying his country will continue its nuclear program , despite what he called threats and pressure from major world powers 伊朗的新聞報道援引總統馬哈茂德?艾哈邁迪內賈德的發言,表示盡管禁受著被他成為是來自世界主要權力的威脅和壓力,他的國家將會繼續其核計劃。

Twenty or thirty pages of information handed to any of the major world powers around the year 1925 would have been sufficient to change the course of world history 如果把二三十頁的情報交給1952年前后的任何一個世界強國,就足以改變世界歷史的進程。二三十頁材料中的思想和情報會便當今的世界翻天覆地,甚至毀滅這個世界。

Iranian news reports quote president mahmoud ahmadinejad , as saying , his country will continue its nuclear program , despite what he called threats and pressure from major world powers 伊朗的新聞報道引用了他們的總統穆罕穆德的說法,他說,他的國家將繼續它的核試驗,盡管有來自他所說的“主要的世界強國的威脅和壓力” 。

The foreign ministers of world powers are meeting in vienna thursday to discuss how to resolve the dispute over iran ' s nuclear program - following a u . s . offer to hold direct talks with tehran 世界大國的外交部長星期四在維也納會晤,討論如何化解伊朗核項目引起的爭端。此前,美國提出愿意與德黑蘭直接會談。

Meanwhile the ussr , which had lost 17 - 19 in the fifth to japan in pool play , went on to leave the world aghast by blanking then top world power china in the semifinal 與此同時,蘇聯隊雖然小組預賽中以17比19落后于日本,輸了關鍵的第五局,但在半場賽中他們擊敗了當時的世界頭號種子中國隊,讓世人為之一驚。

Russian president vladimir putin was named time magazine ' s “ person of the year “ on wednesday for imposing stability that restored russia as a world power 本周三,俄羅斯總統普京被《時代》雜志評為“ 2007年度人物” 。普京之所以當選,是因為他在執政期間穩定了俄羅斯的政局,使俄羅斯重歸世界強國之列。

China ' s communist party has a new agenda : it is encouraging people to discuss what it means to be a major world power and has largely stopped denying that china intends to become one soon 中國領導層正發起一項新計劃:鼓勵人們討論做世界強國的意義,而且很大程度上不再否認中國想馬上成為強國。

Iranian news reports quote president mahmoud ahmadinejad as saying his country will continue its nuclear program , despite what he called threats and pressure from major world powers 伊朗新聞報道引用穆罕默德總統的話,他說他的國家會繼續進行核研究,即使受著他認為的世界霸權國的威脅和壓力。

Economic recession is the primary concern for the current government , once the economic strength is re - vitalized , it ' s necessary for russia to pursue the position as a world power 經濟實力下降是普京外交政策最大的現實制約因素,一旦經濟實力恢復,謀求大國地位將是其必然的趨勢。

Iranian news reports quote president mahmoud ahmadinejad as saying his country will continue its nuclear program , despite what he called threats and pressure from major world powers 伊朗新聞報道引用了總統m的話說他的國家將繼續核計劃,即使有他說的來自世界大國的威脅和壓力。

Iranian news reports quote president mahmoud ahmadinejad as saying his country will continue its nuclear program , despite what he called threats and pressure from major world powers 伊朗的新聞報道引用了總統的話說他的國家將繼續核計劃,雖然存在來自世界大國的威脅和壓力。

The foreign ministers of world powers are meeting in vienna thursday to discuss how to resolve the dispute over iran ' s nuclear program - - following a u . s . offer to hold direct talks with tehran 世界大國的外交部長星期四在維也納會晤,討論如何化解伊朗核項目引起的爭端。